Datasource Type: WDP
getGroupList | retrieves a list of object groups |
getSiteList | retrieves a list of sites with metadata |
getStationList | retrieves a list of stations with metadata |
getParameterList | retrieves a list of parameters available at sites and/or stations |
getParameterTypeList | retrieves the system defined parameter type list |
getCatchmentList | retrieves a list of catchments with metadata |
getCatchmentHierarchy | retrieves a hierarchical list of catchments with metadata and parent catchments |
getRiverList | retrieves a list of rivers and water objects with metadata |
getStandardRemarkTypeList | retrieves a hierarchical list of standard remark types |
getTimeseriesList | retrieves a list of timeseries with metadata |
getTimeseriesTypeList | retrieves a timeseries type list |
getTimeseriesValues | retrieves timeseries data |
getTimeseriesValueLayer | retrieves timeseries data as layer |
getGraphTemplateList | retrieves a list of available graph templates |
getGraph | retrieves a graph image of timeseries data |
getStationGraph | retrieves a graph image of timeseries data based on stations |
getColorClassifications | retrieves a list of WISKI color classifications |
getQualityCodes | retrieves the list of WISKI quality codes |
getReleaseStateClasses | retrieves the list of WISKI release state classes |
getTimeseriesReleaseStateList | retrieves a list of timeseries release states |
getTimeseriesEnsembleValues | retrieves a list of timeseries ensembles with values for one or more timeseries |
getTimeseriesChanges | retrieves a list of changes for a timeseries |
getTimeseriesComments | retrieves object comments/remarks |
checkValueLimit | checks value limitations for time range value requests |
Show All Commands | shows all command descriptions at once |
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